I Wanna Be Like Me

  Have you ever met someone that just blew you away? A motivational speaker, perhaps? A mentor, maybe? Someone who’s doing good work? Someone you look at and go, “Wow, I want to be like him/her one day.” Maybe it’s their outwardly cheerful personality you admire. Maybe it’s how their hearts seem so full of... Continue Reading →

What Would You Fix?

I recently came into a situation where I had to actually sit down and honestly and seriously think and identify one part of my life that needs real fixing. I thought about all the usual suspects - family, relationship, career, myself... And realized that there was nothing. Well, some aches and pains in this old... Continue Reading →


Just a little thought today. I received a little mail in my inbox today from a colleague who always sends out nice inspirational messages when she receives them from a friend. Today’s one said that one of the secrets to happiness is learning to figure out your needs from the wants. It made me chuckle,... Continue Reading →

The True Meaning of Being Open-Minded

A lot of people like to think they’re open-minded. “I’m totally open-minded about cohabiting,” or “I’m totally open-minded about gay marriage.” Open-mindedness is not about being fine with the things that you’re fine with. If you’re fine with it, then who cares how open you are about it? It’s your opinion. You own it. You... Continue Reading →

I Am What I Do

“If I lived my life like you, I’d be bankrupt and on my ass by now.” I met someone last week that said that to me. Thing is, he wasn’t referring to my life of non-stop travelling; he was referring to my choice of jobs. He asked me what I did. I said I’m a... Continue Reading →

My #nomakeup Story

There’s been a whole trend of #nomakeup campaigns going on, people stripping off their external layers to reveal who they really are underneath. I really respect these people for being able to do that, for being able to present themselves, stripped bare and vulnerable to the world, opening themselves up to ridicule and hate. (It’s... Continue Reading →

One order of Happy Person, please!

A friend of mine asked me a simple question the other day: “What do you look for in someone?” And I smiled at her and replied with a simple answer: “A happy, positive person.” Some time ago, I probably would have rattled off a long paragraph, a list of attributes that might sound a little... Continue Reading →

Don’t Date A Girl Who Travels

This article has been making its rounds; naturally, I had to give my two cents'. Don’t date a girl who travels. She’s the one that turns up at a friend’s birthday party in hippie pants, dirty Timberlands and dragging a backpack because she only just came back. And perhaps she might have the potential to... Continue Reading →

30 in 365 to 30

Yep. It's time to admit it. I'm old. I never thought I'd be old. When I was 14, we had a trainee teacher come in and he was 25. Whoa, I thought, that's crazy old. I wondered what I would be like at 25, and found it unimaginable; just too far-fetched. Today I turn 29... Continue Reading →

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